Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tv Tuesday- Favorite shows

Tv can be very entertaining. especially if you have the right shows. my top 5 favorite shows are:

5) In fifth place is "Born to Dance". {even though the series just ended  )': }

4) In fourth place is "Jerry Springer".. ( this show keep me dying laughing)

3) In third place is "True Life"..... ( the stuff that be on this show be having me in shock sometimes)

2) In second place is "Awkward". (i recently started watching this one like the 3rd episode, and i fell in love with it! but this to is another sad case, beacuse the season just ended :'( .. guess i have to wait until next year.!)

1) And lastly.!!!!! My number one FAVORITE show is "Jersey Shore"!!!!!. ( i love all of the cast. even sammy and ron with they emotional selves.! :)) and my two fav cast members: pauly d and snookie :)))))